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- xpkmaster.library/--general--
- xpkmaster.library/--replacements--
- xpkmaster.library/--semaphore--
- xpkmaster.library/--general-- xpkmaster.library/--general--
- In version 4 of xpkmaster.library a preferences system has been
- added to support file type depending packing. The implementation in
- master library is done by a semaphore mechanism (see below for this).
- Some additional tools are provided to handle the preferences.
- - XpkMaster - a normal SYS:Prefs/ preferences program.
- - XpkMasterPrefs - an IPrefs like support for the preferences.
- The preferences are used, when no (XPK_Preferences, FALSE) is
- passed. One of the Semaphore installing programs has to be
- started before, as xpkmaster.library only calls the semaphore and
- no files.
- The preferences pack happens when you call XpkPack and the
- XPK_PackMethod tag data contains any of the following:
- 1) 0
- 2) ""
- 3) "USER"
- The preferences are normal IFF PREF files, with a PRHD chunk
- containing information like the file version and XPKT and XPKM
- chunks with settings relevant to xpk. The structure of these hunks
- are defined in <xpk/xpkprefs.h> as struct XpkMainPrefs and struct
- XpkTypePrefs. These seem to be the first chunks containing
- pointers, therefore I will describe the format below.
- In memory a pointer is a 32 bit variable holding the address of
- another variable it refers to. A pointer of value 0 points to the
- start of memory. The same system is used for pointers in xpk prefs
- files. In the prefs files, ANY pointer refers relative to the first
- byte after the size information of the current chunk. So saving of
- a chunk goes following steps:
- - allocate a area of memory to hold all data
- - copy the main structure (either XpkTypePrefs or XpkMainPrefs) to
- the start of this area
- - copy all other data behind the main structure and set all
- pointers to point to the new place in this area.
- - now subtract the start address of the memory from all pointers
- The last two steps can be done in one.
- For examples how to do this, see the sources in Prefs directory of
- xpk_Source.lha archive.
- Loading needs following steps:
- - load the file into a buffer of chunk size
- - add address of memory area to all pointer values
- - repeat this for all sub structures, you created the real address
- a step before. (In XpkTypePrefs prefs are pointers to XpkTypeData
- which point to strings --> 3 different levels to correct, each
- after each other.)
- xpkmaster.library/--replacements-- xpkmaster.library/--replacements--
- The preferences structure of xpkmaster.library is very open. Only a
- few fields of the semaphore (see below) are accessed by the master
- library directly. The preference files will never be accessed by
- the master library. So it is possible to replace the preferences
- system completely with an totally different one (may be depending
- on one of the file identifying libraries). You only have to make
- a program to build a public semaphore with exact the same name as
- the standard one and the same semaphore structure and set
- following fields:
- sem->xps_Version
- Set to version of your structure (for future enhancements).
- sem->xps_PrefsType
- Any ULONG value defining your preferences type. Try to use a
- value not used by another system.
- sem->ps_PrefsData
- Here you may store a pointer to private data. This data is not
- read by xpkmaster.library.
- sem->xps_MainPrefs
- Pointer to default preferences. When this is set to zero,
- internally defaults are used.
- sem->xps_RecogSize
- Size of the file buffer you need for finding the right packer.
- sem->xps_RecogFunc
- Pointer to the function scanning for the right packer. See below
- for more information.
- sem->xps_ProgressFunc
- This is a normal progress hook function, which is called, when
- the user selects XPK_ChunkReport. This function is not required.
- sem->xps_MasterTask
- This a pointer the the task structure of the semaphore installer.
- The installer task has to quit, when it gets a SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C
- signal!
- xpkmaster.library/--semaphore-- xpkmaster.library/--semaphore--
- Semaphores are a way to allow multitasking friendly access to
- public data structures. You get access following way:
- Forbid();
- if((sem = (struct XpkPrefsSemaphore *) FindSemaphore(XPKPREFSSEMNAME)))
- ObtainSemaphoreShared((struct SignalSemaphore *) sem);
- Permit();
- Now you either own it, or it does not exist. Do not forget to check
- if sem is zero after this piece of code. If not, you can READ all
- documented fields of the semaphore now. (If you want to write, use
- ObtainSemaphore() instead). There are some other methods for access.
- See programming manuals for these.
- After work you have to free the semaphore by calling
- ReleaseSemaphore((struct SignalSemaphore *) sem);
- The structure of this semaphore is described in xpk/xpkprefs.h. Most
- of the fields are not accessed by xpkmaster.library. This semaphore
- is public, so you may read all data of it, but because the stuff is
- done by xpkmaster.library there should be no need to do so. Writing
- to the semaphore is allowed too, but should never happen.
- See xpk/xpkprefs.h to get conditions.
- The most important part of the semaphore are the fields
- xps_RecogSize and xps_RecogFunc. xps_RecogSize is the size of the
- buffer needed by xps_RecogFunc to find out the filetype.
- xps_RecogFunc is a function to find out the filetype of a file and
- to return the specific packer type for this file.
- - A pointer to a buffer holding the beginning of the file is passed
- in register A0.
- - In register A1 the filename of the file is passed. This may be
- zero, because in some cases xpkmaster.library does not have the
- filename.
- - In register A2 a filename is passed you may present user in own
- requesters or in chunkhooks. When you do packing in the Recog
- function then use XPK_FileName tag and pointer from A2 as data.
- - In register D0 the size of buffer in A0 is passed. This should
- equal xps_RecogSize or when the file is shorter be the file
- length.
- - In register D1 the complete file size is passed.
- - Register D0 passes a pointer to a struct XpkTypeData holding the
- needed information for packing. If no information, return should
- be zero.
- - If return value equals -1 (0xFFFFFFFF), the function will be
- called again with buffer size equal to file size. Do not return -1
- when buffer size already equals file size.
- - When 0 is returned the data form xps_MainPrefs or the internal
- defaults are used.
- - The Recog function should take the filename only as additional
- feature. If no filename is given the filename check cannot take
- place (it is always true).
- - For callers: The returned data is valid only as long as you
- obtain the semaphore.
- - When xpkmaster.library should free the XpkTypeData stuff, then
- set the fields xtd_Memory and xtd_MemorySize. xpkmaster.library
- calls then FreeMem(t->xtd_Memory, t->xtd_MemorySize);. The memory
- must not point to the XpkTypeData structure!
- This is useful, when the type is not in a list, but is created.
- NOTE: The memory area may hold passwords or other data.